Today, TMSi is attending the Symposium S.V. Paradoks 2023: Recreating Humans (Technohal, University of Twente). During this symposium, Nicolle and Pauline will give two demonstrations: one for HD-EMG research applications using the 64-channel Textile HD-EMG Grids and one over EEG research applications using our mobile EEG amplifier, APEX.
The Theme of Symposium S.V. Paradoks: Recreating Humans
Speakers in the field of medicine and technology will give presentations on topics related to the theme "Recreating Humans," which highlights the use of innovative technology to bring us closer to curing the most complex conditions.
What is S.V. Paradoks?
S.V. Paradoks is the study association for Biomedical Engineering and Technical Medicine at the University of Twente. The association forms the bridge between the program and its students and in this way tries to improve education.
See you there!