New Updates! We have enhanced the SAGA User Application for a clearer display on high-resolution screens and added new data view options during acquisition. Now it is possible to explore heat maps, envelope viewers, frequency bands, and differential plotters for a more detailed and dynamic recording experience.
New Improvements to the SAGA User Application
- Multiple signal plotters added for improved viewing (see image sliders below)
- Option to choose between automatic or manual saving when accessing the signals page
- Improved readability on high-resolution screens
- Support for various trigger accessories, including 16-bit trigger cable (not sold by TMSi)
- Support for 4x16 grid configurations, including 2x4-8-L grids, 8-8-L, and 8-8-S grids (cut in half)
- Updated Help section to reflect new functionalities
- General bug fixes
Improvements for HD-EMG
1. Heatmap Viewer: Visualizes activity across the grid using a heatmap.
2. Differential Viewer: Displays the differential signal between neighboring electrodes, with options to calculate differences across rows or columns.
3. Envelope Viewer: Shows the envelope of activity for each electrode.
Improvements for EEG
1. Differential Plotter: Provides various montages based on literature, including the longitudinal montage, transverse montage, ear reference montage, and Cz reference montage.
2. Frequency Bands Plotter: Displays the power of each electrode across different EEG frequency bands (delta, theta, alpha, beta, and gamma) on the head.
The SAGA User Application can be downloaded here and is free of charge. If you would like to know more about the SAGA User Application, contact us at