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From Problem...
The previous generation HD-EMG grids are made of PCB-material, which is hard to place on double-curved and dynamic locations. Researchers typically experience electrodes detaching when the grid is partially lifted from the skin. This results in artifacts in the signal, making analysis of HD-EMG signals more challenging and time-consuming.

... to our Solution!
TMSi developed a revolutionary Textile HD-EMG Grid to solve these typical problems. The Textile HD-EMG Grids are made of slightly stretchable, textile material with great adhesion. Because of these properties, the grid prevents movement artifacts and stays perfectly on the skin - even when placed on challenging locations. More information is available on the Textile HD-EMG Grid product page.
Connect With Us!
Are you a researcher using High-Density EMG, or are you ready to start using High-Density EMG? We're eager to have a conversation with you about your research application and explore how the Textile HD-EMG Grids can advance your research. Reach out for a meaningful exchange of ideas today!
Download sample data
Check the signal quality of the Textile HD-EMG Grids for yourself with this sample data set. Click on the blog above to learn more about the data set.
View the signal demonstration video
Watch the video above to view the easy preparation of the Textile HD-EMG Grids and the live signals during calf raises, walking and jumping.
Webinar: Advancing HD-EMG Research
Learn about common challenges of HD-EMG and our innovative solution aimed at improving data quality and advancing HD-EMG research in this webinar.
View the instructional video
The Textile HD-EMG Grids are easy to use and come with a pre-applied adhesive layer. This video explains how to prepare the grid and how it can be connected to the amplifier.
Read Knowledge Base articles
TMSi's Knowledge Base is a hub where you can find many articles to support you when using the Textile HD-EMG Grids. It is a collection of FAQs, How-To's, videos, and more.
Build your own HD-EMG experiment
TMSi offers the open-source TMSi Python library that interfaces with the TMSi amplifiers. The available examples allow you to easily acquire signals with the systems.
Webinar: A Deep Dive into Motor Unit Decomposition
Learn about the Motor Unit Decomposition software I-Spin live from Dr. Julien Rossato and view the demonstration of the software with TMSi's Textile HD-EMG Grids.
View the Signal Demo Facial Muscles HD-EMG
The Textile HD-EMG grids allow you to record high-quality HD-EMG signals, even in difficult locations. This video shows the recording of facial muscles.
Blog: What are Applications of HD-EMG?
Read our blog on the different research possibilities of HD-EMG, such as investigating movement, muscle function and nervous system control strategies.